
What is homeopathy?

A gentle, natural and individualised medicine

What is Homeopathy?

A gentle, natural and individualised way to promote health and vitaility. 

Restoring your body's natural balance

Homeopathy is a form of medicine that was developed over 200 years ago in Germany, by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is currently the second most used system of medicine worldwide. At one time, there were numerous homeopathic hospitals throughout the UK and Europe. Homeopathy and mainstream medicine operate alongside one another in hospitals throughout the country in India. 

Homeopathy uses very small amounts of a substance to trigger a healing response in the body. In homeopathy, we refer to something known as the Vital Force, similar to the concept of Chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is our body’s innate healing wisdom. As homeopaths, we aim to stimulate and support this Vital Force. While homeopathic remedies can be very powerful healing triggers, it is our body’s natural healing ability that comes into play when we begin to heal. Homeopathy does not suppress symptoms. A homeopath aims to get to the root cause of someone’s imbalance or illness and stimulate their body’s natural ability to heal and support itself. Our aim is to support individuals until they are no longer expressing symptoms and the mind and body are in harmony.

When we are ill or injured (mentally, emotionally or physically), the body and mind begin their own healing response. However, sometimes this process can be slowed down or even stopped altogether by our response to other influences such as grief, shock, environmental factors or inherited tendencies. This is where homeopathy comes in.
Homeopathic remedies are made from substances diluted to very small amounts. These medicines are manufactured according to strict pharmacological methods and are safe, non-toxic and have no side effects. They work gently with the body, stimulating and aiding its own, innate healing capacity. 

There are over 8,000 homeopathic remedies, thus the need for a detailed consultation. They are made from various substances from the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms. No two consultations are the same, as we are all unique, so consultations are client focused and directed according to the individual needs of each person. I aim to provide a safe and confidential space to tell your story and in turn support you to heal either with remedies in liquid or pilule format. I may also suggest supportive measures around lifestyle or nutrition.

Homeopathy is safe and easy to use for babies, children, the elderly and during pregnancy, making it hugely beneficial at any stage of life. It can be used for acute or chronic conditions.

Homeopathic remedies are complementary medicines and will work safely alongside conventional medical treatment.

a lady meditating

What can Homeopathy help with?

Homeopathy treats the whole person, the person experiencing the symptoms, not the symptoms themselves.

Some of the things homeopathy can support you with….
  • Pregnancy symptoms
  • Birth
  • Teething
  • Colic
  • Aches and Pains
  • Digestion and gut porblems
  • Injuries
  • Mental health problems
  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Trauma
  • Sleep issues
  • Backache
  • Blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Liver/ gallbladder problems
  • Menopause
  • Period or fertility issues
a lady practicing yoga

Initial consultations may last 1 hour 90 mins
Follow up appointments 1 hour
 £45 whilst I am still under supervision.

Always consult your GP or health care professional if you have any serious health concerns.
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To book a homeopathy session in the Cookstown area call Angel Haven on 
07729 447 987

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